Many of the patients I treat are extremely active, though few make their living playing sports professionally. They are passionate about their lifestyle and sport of choice, and take their health very...
Physical Therapists and Exercise
Why work with a physical therapist for fitness?
PT’s are trained in movement:
We are healthcare professionals trained in optimal patterns of movement, posture, and form and will provide...
What is Wellness?
Seems like everyone I know is a Wellness Coach these days. Sounds great, but what exactly does it mean? As much a buzzword in the health, fitness, and nutrition industry as local, organic,...
Pain IS the perfect excuse…
…to call your physical therapist. I get it. I’m the one who cleans the apartment BEFORE the housekeeper comes. But waiting to schedule because you’re in too much pain...
Suspension Training 101
You’ve probably seen the black and yellow “straps” hanging in your gym or, if you live in San Francisco, you’re just as likely to have seen them anchored to a stop sign...
One size fits all? Part 2: What makes a good PT? Aren’t all therapists the same?
A good physical therapist… …invests in continuing education- While the majority of states require continuing education credit for continued licensure, some therapists complete only the...