Headhache Physical Therapy
Headache Physical Therapy Treatment
Hands-On Techniques. Long-term, Effective Headache Relief.
What Are Cervicogenic Headaches?
Headaches that start and intensify at your forehead or around your eye sockets are often due to sinus pressure or irritation of the connective tissue in the brain. Headaches that start at the base of your neck and extend up your head, around your head or down into your neck are referred to as cervicogenic headaches (CGHs).
Headaches caused by sinus pressure or irritation of the connective tissue respond well to NSAIDs such as Advil or Tylenol. NSAIDs will inhibit the pain receptors for cervicogenic headaches, however it will not have a lasting effect as the muscle and joint limitations remain and the pain will return once the NSAIDs wears off. In order to make a positive, long-lasting change to a cervicogenic headache, you’ll need to change the tissues to correct the root of the cause of your CGHs.
• 47% of the global population suffers from a headache, and 15-20% of those are cervicogenic
• Up to 44% of CGH patients have temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues as well
Causes of CGHs
Your neck and head muscles are interconnected: your suboccipitals attach from the upper cervical spine to the base of the head, the upper trapezius attaches from the shoulder to the base of the head and the sternocleidomastoid attaches from the collarbone to the base of the skull. When one or more of these muscles to shorten and in turn “pull” at the base of the skull, it will cause CGHs.
Causes of CGHs include:
• Stress and fatigue
• Poor posture
• Sleeping habits
• Carrying heavy items such as briefcases and luggage
• Using a shoulder strap for a heavy purse or bag
• Sitting/standing at poorly designed work stations
Restoring joint mechanics of the locally involved segments and other near-by restricted segments are the goals of the physical therapist in helping to abolish cervicogenic headaches. Therapydia physical therapists use hands-on techniques that are massage-like, but go deeper to mobilize, release, manipulate joints and muscles to get to the source of your pain.
Why PT?
A physical therapist will take a thorough subjective history, analyze static and dynamic posture and assess biomechanical components contributing to the cervicogenic headaches. The most significant role physical therapists can play is addressing the root cause of your headaches and work with you to improve your overall posture, your ergonomic work set up and give patient specific advice for positioning while riding in cars, carrying bags etc.
- Hands-on therapy techniques to manipulate and mobilize your muscles and joints for faster recovery
- Progressive and gentle relaxation stretching to elongate the muscles
- Custom exercise programs to strengthen the shoulder, neck and pericranial muscles, cranio-cervical
- Postural correction to prevent cervicogenic headaches from coming back
Your physical therapy treatment may include: