At TherapydiaCA, we promote safe training strategies for improved performance and injury prevention. As runners, TherapydiaCA PT’s understand your passion for running and are dedicated to helping you achieve all of your goals. RunRx℠ is a comprehensive running assessment designed to identify running mechanics that may predispose a runner to injury. We aim to create a plan to address any altered mechanics. You will undergo a thorough exam of strength, flexibility, movement patterns and running form. After our PT assesses you, and reviews findings with you, you will receive a personalized assessment and plan. Whether a competitive athlete looking for the next endurance challenge, or brand new to the sport of running, RunRx℠ is appropriate for runners of all levels.
Held at our studio Downtown San Francisco:
- Assessment of strength, flexibility, neuromuscular control and movement patterns that may contribute to injury or hinder performance
- Personalized video run analysis
- Comprehensive explanation of findings with comparison to evidence-based normative data
- Individualized strategies for run retraining
- Customized program to increase strength, improve mobility, address neuromuscular control and correct dysfunctional movement patterns.
- Performance enhancement programs for your specific goals